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How to Get Rid of Incontinence Related Odors

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How to Get Rid of Incontinence Related Odors SPC San Pablo Commercial

Incontinence happens when an individual experiences the involuntary leakage of urine or stool. Depending on the severity or type of incontinence, one may be living with stress incontinence, urge incontinence, overflow incontinence, total incontinence, or bowel incontinence. 

Incontinence affects millions of people around the world especially the elderly as they are more prone to developing a weakened bladder. This may result in incontinence related odors that are associated with the production of ammonia from bacterial ureases in the urine. 

While many may feel embarrassed about their condition, living with incontinence can be managed with lifestyle changes and products for incontinence odor control. One should live with confidence knowing that there are ways to get rid of incontinence related odor issues.

What causes odor in urine? 

Normally, urine is odorless. The main constituent of urine is water along with other waste products in low concentrations. Odor in the urine occurs when there is an imbalance between the concentration of waste products and water. 

In other instances, odor in urine happens because of the foods that we eat. There are certain vegetables and medications such as asparagus and vitamins, which result in a recognizable odor in urine when consumed. Some medical conditions or diseases also cause characteristic unusual odor in the urine including dehydration, uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetic keto-acidosis, cystitis, urinary tract infection (UTI), maple syrup urine disease, and metabolic disorder. 

Seek Medical Attention for Bladder and Urinary Tract Infections

While foul-smelling urine may not always be associated with an underlying medical disease, it is important to keep track of your urinary health. If you or someone you are caring for are experiencing increased urinary output, burning sensations when peeing, and/or strong odor in urine, it may be necessary to seek medical attention. 

These symptoms are usually associated with urinary tract infections caused by bacteria. It is advised to visit urgent care or make an appointment with a physician as soon as possible in order to receive medical attention for symptomatic relief, cure the infection, and avoid further complications. 

Reduce Odor in Urine with Lifestyle Changes

Incorporating lifestyle changes can help control incontinence related odors. While some individuals may choose to limit their fluid intake to avoid incontinence leaks, it is recommended to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Decreased fluid consumption makes urine more concentrated, resulting in stronger odors. 

Diet affects urine output and contributes to smells. It is important to avoid food and beverages including asparagus and coffee, which are known to produce distinctive odors in urine. Consuming a plant rich diet such as leafy greens can help increase chlorophyll intake. Chlorophyll is known to deodorize urine and can be found in supplements like Derifil.

It is also recommended to drink cranberry juice or take concentrated cranberry pills to reduce odor in urine by lowering the acidity of urine. Some studies show that vitamin C supplements are also useful in neutralizing the smell of urine. However, vitamin C may result in drug interactions with other medications. It is important to consult your doctor before taking such supplements to avoid complications.

For more tips on reducing odor in urine, read How to Manage Urinary Incontinence Naturally with Lifestyle Changes.

Maintain Good Personal Hygiene when Living with Incontinence

Living with incontinence is not only a physical debility but also an emotional burden. It takes a lot of effort to cope with the social embarrassment associated with incontinence-related odor. The good news is that it is possible to live an odor free lifestyle and manage your incontinence. 

Good personal hygiene is imperative to eliminating unwanted odors. Individuals and/or their caregivers should be aware of basic hygiene practices including bathing and changing incontinence products regularly. When one’s diaper or bladder control pad is soiled, one should wipe any excess fluid and replace their incontinence garment. It is also advisable to invest in incontinence products with odor control features.

In case of extreme bladder or fecal leaks, it is important to clean in the following order: body, clothing, and surroundings. One should take a bath or use cleansing wipes to remove urine or feces from the body. Soiled clothes must be removed and changed immediately to avoid moisture build up resulting in strong odors and skin irritations. To remove strong urine smells from clothing, soak the clothes in a 1:3 mixture of vinegar and water. The surrounding area in which the leak occurred must also be cleaned. Wipe off any liquids on surfaces and open windows for ventilation. 

Tips for Caregivers and Family Members: Dealing with Strong Urine Odor in Elderly

Dealing with strong urine odor in elderly can be mentally and physically draining. Caregivers and/or family members should refrain from judgemental remarks. Instead, it is recommended to be polite and supportive towards the individual living with incontinence.

There are many ways to reduce strong urine odors in the air. Rooms should be well ventilated with fresh air coming in from windows. Lighting scented candles or using aromatherapy diffusers can bring a sense of tranquility while creating a pleasant-smelling ambiance.

San Pablo Commercial is a family-owned, small business with a mission to deliver affordable medical supplies to their customers. We offer a variety of incontinence products including SPC underpads, adult diapers, disposable bed pads for incontinence, incontinence briefs, and more. We ship directly to our customer’s home within 2 to 3 business days. SPC disposable quilted underpads are also available on AmazonWe care deeply about our customers and want to make ordering incontinence supplies easier so that they can spend less time cleaning up spills and messes.

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